The Dutch Scoliosis Center in the middle of the Netherlands can be reached 5 days a week. Our staff are true professionals and are at the forefront of scoliosis treatments.
Schroth therapy was developed specifically for scoliosis patients. At the Dutch Scoliosis Center we apply the method of ISST and 'Schroth Best practice' (SBP). Curious about what we can do for you or your child?
The providence night brace is a proven effective 3D night brace for all types of scoliosis curves. For many children, this night brace is a godsend for freedom during the day.
Patients of the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (WKZ) can visit the Dutch Scoliosis Center in Zeist for consultations with idiopathic scoliosis patients.
The Dutch Scoliosis Center in the middle of the Netherlands can be reached 5 days a week. Our staff are true professionals and are at the forefront of scoliosis treatments.
Recently, a well-executed, randomized study on the effectiveness of a night brace for scoliosis…
In October, prof Castelein was the guest of the 14th AMRMC meeting in Johur Bahru,…
In June, professor Castelein will be a guest speaker at the 3º Congresso Brasileiro…
This is a proven effective 3D night brace for all types of scoliosis curves, for…
Intake supervised by internationally recognized scoliosis specialist Prof. dr. R.M. Castelein.
Under the guidance of a professionally trained and certified specifically trained scoliosis therapist.
Make an appointment, call (030)-7430869